I love Budapest

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2004.06.05. 17:16 m01ra

Make it go away

Artist: Holly Cole

Make it go away or make it better
Isn’t that what love’s supposed to do
Make it go away or make it better
Cause I would do either one for you

This is not the way you should see me
This is not the face I recognize
Could I lay my head down here for a moment
Would you sing to me like I’m your child
Cause I’m not angry I’m not crying
I’m just in over my head
You could be the angel that stayed on my shoulder
When all of the other angels left

Make it go away or make it better
Cause I am waking
This more then one should have to take
If you do this for me then I will promise
I’ll make it go away for you someday

There are reasons silver linings
There are lessons but I don’t care
Cause I just need a hand that I can hold onto
When it’s darker then death out there

I’m so cold
And so far away from my home
But tonight you’re
You’re where I belong
You’re everything right
When I’m everything wrong

Make it go away or make it better
Isn’t that what love’s supposed to do
Make it go away or make it better
Cause I would do either one for you

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